Frequently asked Questions

Questions people sometimes ask me, in no particular order.

Is Elliotte your real name?

Elliotte is not my legal name. I don't know that it ever will be my legal name either, however a number of my friends call me by that name in real life. I try to avoid giving out my real legal name to strangers online, using a pseudonym helps me keep my online presence and offline presence more separate.

How long have you been doing art?

I have been doing art since I was a kid, just doodling and such, but I didn't start taking art seriously til the last year of highschool, so around 2013-2014.

what do you like to do other than art?

I like puzzles, I solve Rubik's cubes a lot although my times are nothing to really brag about. I also read a fair amount, write a little bit, and watch a good amount of anime.

I noticed your pronouns in your Bio, are you non-binary or trans?

I identify myself as a trans woman, however I feel comfortable using they/them pronouns as well. I guess it's kind of like in-between nonbinary and a trans woman.

Are you really a Communist? why?

Political ideology is a hard thing to pin down for anyone, very few people are 100% one thing, with most having ideas and policy they support rather than an overarching cohesive political ideology. that being said, I would describe myself as some flavor of Communist. I believe that Capitalism, regardless of any benefits people may attribute to it, is fundamentally inhumane in part because it at its core requires inequality and exploitation. I can't say that any given flavor of communism is the perfect solution, but I have to believe that its worth trying something to escape the endless cycle of suffering that is capitalism.

why do you draw so much porn?

I like sex, its that simple.Ok, its not quite that simple. I like the bond created by sex. the feeling of having a partner or partners there with their body pressed against yours. I think there is so much of a relationship that is internal, while sex is something external and tactile. There is a physical, mental, and emotional bond that you share, you and your partner(s) can focus solely on eachother, and in my opinion there is nothing else quite like it.

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